The ReCAST activities are mainly related to:
- thin film Physical Vapor Deposition (dc, rf, pulsed bipolar magnetron sputtering, cathodic vacuum arc, thermal evaporation) with associated physical characterization methods;
- plasma surface treatments;
- ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) technologies, including leak detection by mass spectrometry;
- ion sources for ion assisted surface processing.
Thin film deposition research activities were developed in the last four years especially due to potential applications in material coatings and surface engineering. Ion assisted magnetron sputtering and cathodic vacuum arc were applied and developed preferentially. The Mass spectrometry helium leak detection, vacuum brazing and UHV physics and related technology are also landmarks of ReCAST at national level.
The development of the laboratory infrastructure was mainly focused on enhancing the existing thin film deposition and surface processing capabilities, resulting a complex, versatile, yet complementary laboratory infrastructure. Also, dedicated thin film characterization systems were purchased and installed to complete the infrastructure and make possible a quick and high quality evaluation of the processed samples.
The research Centre for Advanced Surface Processing and Analysis by Vacuum Technologies became Excellence Research Center, after a four years competitive process supervised by RELANSIN – a Romanian Research and Innovation Program aiming for national economic RE-LAunching.
ÎNCEPEREA IMPLEMENTĂRII PROIECTULUI “Centrul Suport Orizont 2020 pentru managementul proiectelor europene si promovare europeana” (PREPARE) - 21.07.2020
Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Optoelectronică INOE 2000, în calitate de beneficiar al finantării, implementează proiectul „Centrul Suport Orizont 2020 pentru managementul proiectelor europene și promovare europeană PREPARE”, cod MYSMIS2014 - 107874, finanțat prin Programul Operațional Competitivitate, Axa Prioritară Cercetare, dezvoltare tehnologică și inovare (CDI) în sprijinul competitivitătii economice și dezvoltării afacerilor, Operațiunea: "Crearea de sinergii cu acțiunile de CDI ale programului-cadru ORIZONT 2020 al Uniunii Europene și alte programe CDI internaționale din Axa 1”, Acțiunea 1.1.3. POC 2014-2020, apelul POC-A1-A.1.1.3-H-2016.

In particular, the topics of interest include, but are not limited to: surface science of bioactive coatings,deposition and growth of biocompatible coatings, coatings-based polymers, surface modification by directed energy deposition (lasers, ion, or electron beams) or other techniques such as plasmas, friction performance, corrosion, and wear resistance of coated load-bearing implants and/or dental implants.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2021.
Note: All submissions from INOE2000 will receive a 20% discount on Article Processing Charge (APC).
Dr. Alina Vladescu
Guest Editor
Oxford University Press, prin partenerul său în România – ROMDIDAC - și Asociația Anelis Plus oferă, în perioada 1.10.2021-31.12.2021, instituțiilor membre în Asociație, acces gratuit la revistele electronice incluse în Full Journals Collection, disponibilă pe platforma Oxford Academic - https://academic.oup.com/journals. Accesul se va face pe baza IP-urilor instituționale.