Books/Chapter books

As authors:

Tribological Performance of Coatings Obtained by PVD Techniques: From Industrial to Biological Applications, M. Dinu, I. Pana, A.C. Parau, A. Vladescu,  Handbook of Research on Tribology in Coatings and Surface Treatment, edited by Amirhossein Pakseresht and Omid Sharifahmadian, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 196-217. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9683-8.ch009

Nanomaterials for medical application and their antimicrobial advantages, A. Vladescu, M. Badea, S.C. Padmanabhan, G. Paraschiv, L. Floroian, L. Gaman, M.A. Morris, J.L. Marty, C.M. Cotrut, Materials for biomedical engineering, Bioactive Materials for Antimicrobial, Anticancer, and Gene Therapy, Editor: A.M. Holban, A. Grumezescu, Elsevier, 2019, pp. 409-430, ISBN: 9780128184356, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818435-6.00015-3

Ti-Nb-Zr system and its surface biofunctionalization for biomedical applications, M. Dinu, S. Franchi, V. Pruna, C. M.Cotrut, V. Secchi, M. Santi, I. Titorencu, C. Battocchio, G. Iucci, A. Vladescu, Titanium in Medical and Dental Applications, 2018, ISBN: 9780128124574,

Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputter Deposition as a Tool for Surface Modification of Medical Implants in Modern Technologies for Creating the Thin-film Systems and Coatings, R. Surmenev, A. Vladescu, M. Surmeneva, A. Ivanova, M. Braic, I. Grubova, C. M. Cotrut, Nikolay Nikitenkov, Adel Mohammed Ali Hashhash, Eds. InTech Croatia, 2016, ISBN 978-953-51-5056-5, doi: 10.5772/66396

Bioceramic Coatings for Metallic Implants in Handbook of Bioceramics and Biocomposites,A. Vladescu, M. A. Surmeneva, C. M. Cotrut, R. A. Surmenev, I. V. Antoniac, I.V. Antoniac Eds., Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, pp. 1-31; doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-09230-0_31-1

Ingineria suprafetelor - Indrumar de laborator, C.M. Cotrut, A. Vladescu, S. Ciuca, D.M. Vranceanu, Ed. Tehnopress Iasi, Romania, 2015, pp. 1-65, ISBN 978-606-687-191-4 .

Straturi subtiri nanostructurate din nitruri ale unor metale de tranzitie, in structuri mono si multistrat, A. Vladescu, Ed.Tehnopress Iasi, Romania, 2014, pp. 3-309, ISBN 978-606-687-152-5.

Grazing Incidence Mirrors for EUV Lithography, M. Braic, M. Balaceanu, V. Braic in LITHOGRAPHY, Edited by: M. Wang, Publisher: INTECH EUROPE, 2010, pp. 177-200, ISBN: 978-953-307-064-3.

Nanostructuri de carbon generate in plasma, R. Vladoiu, M. Braic, Ed. Ovidius University Press, Constanta, 2008, pp. 221, ISBN 978-973-614-458-5.

As editors:

Biofunctionalizarea suprafetelor dispozitivelor medicale metalice, C.M.Cotrut, Ed. Tehnopress, 2015, Editor: A. Vladescu, M. Braic, ISBN 978-606-687-183-9