PNCD-I Programme


RELANSIN  Programme

Modern synthesis technologies for dental implants biomaterials
Project leader: Mihai Balaceanu                                              2003 – 2005

Modern technology to extend the life of air centrifugal compressor rotors - ROTORS
Project responsible: Mihai Balaceanu                                   2003-2004

Excellence Research Center for Advanced Surface Processing by Plasma and Vacuum Technologies
Project leader: Viorel Braic                                                       2001 – 2004

Vacuum brazing technology for high bonding strength joints of metal carbide parts on metallic holders  
Project leader: Viorel Braic                                                       2000 – 2003

High rate deposition technology for antifrictional coatings deposited on metallic carbide tools  
Project leader : Gabriela Pavelescu                                        2000 – 2003

Cathodic arc assisted ion deposition technology of hard coatings on carbide turning and cutting tools

Project leader : Mariana Braic                                                  2000- 2003


Biocompatible coatings for high quality orthopaedic and dental implants - BIOSTRAT
Project leader : Mariana Braic                                                  2001 – 2004

New materials and coating technologies for high speed rolling bearings manufacturing
Project responsible: Mariana Braic                                         2003 - 2005

Novel materials and technologies for coating the rotor blades of turbo-engines - ROTOR-BLADES
Project responsible: Viorel Braic                                             2002 - 2005

BIOTECH  Programme

New experimental procedures to study the interaction of the PVD coatings with tissues, based on  flux citometry and complementary methods
Project responsible: Viorel Braic                                             2004 - 2006