Development and Validation of Source, Optics and Resist in Next Generation EUV Lithography


  • EPPRA SAS France-coordonator

  • IMEL-Greece

  • HNRF-Greece

  • ReCAST-INOE2000,Romania



INOE: Coated electrodes to ensure life time increase of the Micro Plasma Radiation Source

Large diameter water cooled electrodes to ensure life time increase of the Micro Plasma Radiation Source


Grazing incidence mirrors for EUV lithography systems, resistant at energetic particle bombardment

  • UHV resist exposure stand


Grazing incidence mirrors for EUV lithography systems, resistant at energetic particle bombardment





Design of the optical system for the EUV Lithography



Highly reflective, highly resistance, low roughness EUV mirrors (l=13.5 nm) for the optical lithography system